Ear Prosthesis

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Kosmic Clinic provide a satisfactory result in the cases of Ear Prosthesis. It is a silicone prosthetic ear reconstructive option for patients born with microtia and other birth differences such as Treacher Collins or Goldenhar syndrome; as well as those who have suffered traumatic injury or undergone cancer resection surgery (auriculectomy).

Silicone prosthetic ears are customized to match your healthy ear, and while they cannot improve hearing, they offer excellent cosmetic enhancement, especially for adults. To learn more about these restorations or to obtain a referral for a trusted anaplastologist, contact our practice today.

Prosthetic attachment options:

a.) Magnets and (snaps) – A prosthetic ear can be attached with magnets and typically requires two surgical procedures for the magnets to be implanted. The entire procedure can usually be completed in less than a year.

b.) Glue – A prosthetic ear can also be attached with glue (adhesive). * Glue is not recommended for a child who is active or sweats often. However, today the adhesive that is used for prosthetic ears holds up extremely well and many boys wear their prosthetic ears daily at school and playing in sports without the ear(s) coming off.

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